Right. Now, gentlemen, here you have,
before your very eyes, your lock pick.
You have here your safe, which is
almost the same as your Cona 335.
Insert your lock pick
into your Cona 335...
...feeling your way
through the elements.
For your information,
there happen to be four.
Two. Three.
Apple pie. Bleeding apple pie.
-Nice to see you, lieutenant.
-Nice to see you.
Why don't you sit down?
I have a little problem.
It's a special mission.
The group said they needed a volunteer.
It's risky, so they wanted
to put it on a voluntary basis.
It's for tomorrow night.
Oh, about the other day...
...the mechanic couldn't find
a thing wrong with that engine.
If you felt there was something wrong,
I'm sure there was. If you heard it....
A mechanic's not a pilot. I don't
listen to any kind of rumour. Never.
There's been a lot of talk around.
You can't pay any attention
to that kind of talk.
I don't believe for a moment
that you made the whole thing up.
Not a word. Just gossip.
Now, where was I?