Kramer vs. Kramer

You mean, until Joanna comes back?
Suppose Joanna doesn't come back?
Gee, I don't know...
Ted, listen to me.
I just told the boys upstairs you're
handling the Mid-Atlantic account.

You know? A gig like that comes
along once every five, six years.

There's guys here eating their hearts
out because I gave that spot to you.

This is important. Don't blow this.
I gotta depend on you. I gotta count
on you for 110 percent...

...7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
I gotta have that.

I can't be concerned about you
worrying about a kid.

First, you can count on me
25 hours a day, 8 days a week.

Because I'm not a loser, Jim.
I never let anything at home
come into the office.

You asked me to unload in this office.
When I go outside, I'm on top of it.
I want you to know that.

I'm a survivor.
You've given me a shot here.
I'm not gonna let anything blow it.

Let's have a drink later.
I'm all right. I gotta...

...blow smoke up Airwick's ass, 11:00.
I'm all right!
You don't worry.
Thank you.
I love you, you bastard.
Yeah, honey, just wait a second.
I just want to finish this idea.

Let me get this copy done,
and then I'll talk.

What time is it when an elephant
sits on your fence?

Time to get a new fence.
Honey, please...
I just got this sentence.

Daddy! Daddy!
Goddamn it! Goddamn it!
Get over there and sit
on that couch and don't move!
