Kramer vs. Kramer

Remember, we talked about it,
keep your answers short and succinct.

Just tell the truth and it'll be
all right. Believe me.

- She's here.
- Yeah, I know. I saw her.

Whatever you do, try not to become
emotional, no matter what he says.

You'll hear things that may upset you.
I don't want you to react.

Persons having business with the
Supreme Court, State of New York...

...special term part five,
draw nigh and ye shall be heard.

This court is now in session.
Judge Atkins presiding. All rise.

- Is the petitioner's attorney ready?
- I am, Your Honor.

I would like to call Joanna Kramer.
Motherhood, going for the throat.
You swear to tell the truth
and nothing but the truth?

I do.
Now, Mrs. Kramer, would you tell
the court how long you were married?

Eight years.
And would you describe those years
as happy?

The first two, yes.
But after that it became
increasingly difficult.

Mrs. Kramer, did you hold a job
before you were married?

Yes, I did.
When I first got out of Smith...
