Kramer vs. Kramer

And it was only after I got
to California that I realized...

...after getting into therapy,
that I wasn't a terrible person.

And just because I needed some kind
of creative or emotional outlet...

...other than my child,
that didn't make me unfit.

I would like to submit in evidence
a report by Mrs. Kramer's therapist...

...Dr. Eleanor Freedman.
Objection, Your Honor.
The report is irrelevant
and not binding on the respondent.

Can you tell the court why
you are asking for custody?

Because he's my child...
...and because I love him.
I know I left my son.
I know that
that's a terrible thing to do.

Believe me, I have to live with that
every day of my life.

But in order to leave him...
...I had to believe it was
the only thing I could do...

...and that it was
the best thing for him.

I was incapable of functioning
in that home.

And I didn't know...
...what the alternative was...
:26:15 I thought it was not best
that I take him with me.

However, I have since
gotten some help...

...and I have worked very, very hard
to become a whole human being.

I don't think I should be
punished for that.

I don't think my little boy
should be punished.

Billy's only 7 years old.
He needs me.
I'm not saying he doesn't
need his father...

...but I really believe
he needs me more.

I was his mommy
for five and a half years...

...and Ted took over that role
for 18 months.
