Kramer vs. Kramer

- Hi.
- Hi. Here, let me help you.

Heard anything yet?
Any day. My lawyer says
no news is good news.

- Guess what.
- What?

Charley and I are talking about
getting back together.

Did he finally call you?

No, I called him.
How come?
I don't know. I got to thinking
about a lot of things since the trial.

I don't think it'll work out,
but he seems to want it.

That's terrific.
How do you feel?

I don't know.
I feel scared, I guess.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I lost.
I can't tell you how sorry I am.
What happened?
The judge went for motherhood
right down the line.

"Ordered and decreed that the
petitioner be awarded custody...

...effective Monday,
the 23rd of January...

...that the respondent pay for the
support of the child, $400 a month.

The father shall have the
following visitation rights:

Every other weekend, one night a
week to be mutually agreed upon...

...and one half of the child's
vacation period."

- That's it.
- What if I fight it?

I can't guarantee anything.
I'll take my chances.
- It'll cost you.
- I'll pay anything.

Look, Ted, I have to
tell you something.

This time it'll be Billy that pays.
I'll have to put him on the stand.
I can't do that.
