Kramer vs. Kramer

...and we let him decide because
he's very wise and experienced.

We talked to him for a few days
and then asked what he thought.

You know what?
He agreed with Mommy.

He thought it'd be terrific
if you lived with her from now on.

I'm lucky because I get to have
dinner with you once a week.

And twice a month
we spend the weekends together.

Where's my bed gonna be?
Where am I gonna sleep?

Mommy's figured that all out. You
have your own bedroom at her place.

- Where will all my toys be?
- At Mommy's.

We're gonna take
all your toys over there.

If you play your cards right,
she'll buy you some new ones.

Who's gonna read me
my bedtime stories?

Mommy will.
You're not gonna kiss me
good night anymore?

No, I won't be able to do that.
But, you know, I get to visit.
It's gonna be okay. Really.
If I don't like it, can I come home?
What do you mean?
You'll have a great time with Mommy.
Really. She loves you so much.
Don't forget, once, if you can
just call me up, okay?

We're gonna be okay.
Let's go get some ice cream.
