He didn't see a thing.
He's a pyromaniac.
Come on, try.
It looked like a top.
A top like my grandfather gave me
once for Christmas.
I'll never forget it. With his
white beard and his red robe.
He walked 6 kilometres to
give it to me, my gramps...
- Yes, sergeant...
How old are you?
- Tuesday, sergeant.
No, I'm asking how old you are.
- Are you making fun of me or what?
How old are you? Answer, answer.
One, two, three...
- Three? You look twice as old.
How pretty you are, sergeant!
How beautiful you seem to me!
In truth, if your milk can
is like your cheese,
What? Milk can?
You're really making fun of me.
Did you have leave coming up?
That's been cancelled then.
What's happening? What's wrong?
Go and have a look.