Life of Brian

Hey! ls there
another way down?

Is there another path
down to the river?

Please, please help me.
I've got to get

Oh, my foot! Oh
Oh, damn, damn, damn!

I'm sorry.
Oh, damn, damn it! Blast it!

I'm sorry. Shhh.
Don't you "shhh" me.

Eighteen years of total silence,
and you "shhh" me!

I've kept my vow for 18 years...

Not a single, recognizable,
articulate sound has passed my lips.

Could you be quiet
for another five minutes?

It doesn't matter now.
I might as well enjoy myself.

For the last 18 years,
I've wanted to shout...

and sing and scream
my name out!

Shhh. Shhh.
Oh, I'm alive!

" Hava nagila, hava nagila "
" Hava nagila "
Oh, I'm alive! I'm alive!
Hello, birds. Hello, trees.

I'm alive! I'm alive!
" Hava nagila
Hava n'ra, n'ra "

Master! Master! Master!
The master! He is here!

His shoe led us to him!
Speak! Speak to us, master.
Speak to us!

Go away!
A blessing! A blessing!
How shall we go away, master?
Oh, just go away
and leave me alone!

Give us a sign!
He has given us a sign!
He has brought us to this place!

I didn't bring you here.
You just followed me.

Oh, it's still a good sign
by any standard.

Master, your people
have walked many miles to be with you!

They are weary
and have not eaten.

It's not my fault
they haven't eaten.

There is no food
in this high mountain!

What about the juniper
bushes over there?

A miracle! A miracle!
