Pardon me, would you like
Chicken Kiev, Chateaubriand...
or Veal Cutlet Florentine for lunch?
Everything you mention is dead.
Don't you have anything
that's alive and kicking?
I'll have the Chicken Kiev, miss.
Why don't you bring a nice juicy mouse
for little Salome here?
Could I have one, too?
That's funny.
"American slang.
"Putting on the ritz, getting dressed up.
"Flapper, a girl.
"Hotsy-totsy. Boo-boop-be-do.
"Red-hot mama.
"Twenty-three skidoo." What is this?
"Copyright, 1926."
Renfield, you bungling moron,
this book is as out of date as...
I am.
Passengers for Flight 330,
please board immediately at Gate 5.
All right, what have you got?
Nothing, just a sitar I bought in Bangladesh.
Okay, strip him down, look in his eyes,
look in his ears, look in his nose...
and have him bend over
and touch his toes and look up there.
Lousy hippies!
What have you got to declare over $100?