- Oh, my God!
- What?
- No!
- What?
- No, it can't be.
- It can't be what?
- Dracula!
- How did you know his name?
Dracula, alive.
Of course he's alive.
I told you, I was just with him last night.
- Cindy, darling...
- What?
You met him a long time ago.
You were a little girl.
He was a very great man.
- Count Dracula?
- No, my grandfather, Dr. Fritz Van Helsing.
He was the first man to discover the thing...
- you slept with last night.
- Thing? Excuse me.
Last night, tell me,
how many times did he do it?
Two and...
a half. I fell asleep.
No, I mean,
how many times did he bite you?
Just once.
I told you, it was our first date.
I was just sitting there, at the disco,
talking to Lisa on the phone...
It was your first date and your last date.
Don't be ridiculous.
You're a jealous toad, Jeffery.
Page 58, yes, here it is.
"Three bites from the vampire,
and the victim is doomed."
Darling, if that monster
bites you two more times...
you will become a vampire, a living corpse.
Look, if last night was any indication
of what it's like to be a corpse...
it sure beats the hell out of living.
- Cindy, I'm serious.
- Jeff, you're crazy.
Vampires in New York City,
in the 20th century? Really!
Sweetheart, darling...
trust me.