Russell, if you make a monkey out of me...
I want you to get out of here.
Don't want you to ever
come back here again...
unless you're selling
Girl Scout cookies, okay?
Girl Scout cookies, Boy Scout cookies,
oatmeal cookies, sugar cookies...
anything you want. I know
where the guy parks his truck at night.
And I'll... At a discount.
No, for free, both of you.
Do you feel better?
Yes, I do. It's crazy, I know, but I really do.
So do I.
- I almost forgot why I came in here.
- Oh, yeah? What's up, doc?
A little joke I... It just feels so good.
my name is Dr. Jeffery Rosenberg...
and I want to talk to you about a man
who sucks the blood out of people.
Loan shark? What's his name?
No, this is no loan shark. This is a vampire.
A vampire.
His name is Dracula, Count Dracula.
And he bites people in the neck
and he drinks their blood.
Get that rotten kid back in here. Quickly.
Somebody. Murphy.
We're gonna need all the help we can get.
Get this crazy psycho out of here
before I kill him. Get him out!
It's very hard to believe this, I know.
It's a difficult thing to believe.
They wouldn't believe my grandfather.
Get him out!
- Can I help you with it, sir?
- No, that's fine.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm sure you'll find everything
to your satisfaction, sir.
I'm sure I will.
If there's anything you need,
my name is Billy.
Hello, Billy.
I got everything I need right here
in this little old bag.
If you catch my meaning, Billy.