All right, now.
Just right, left, right, left.
All right.
These are the camp rules.
Morty would like you to look at these.
They'll be in here
if you want to check these out later.
And now, gentlemen...
and you are...
I'll take you to your cabin assignments
for the first week. Let's go!
This is the six-year-olds' cabin.
All they know how to do
is eat and wet their beds.
You guys will teach them
everything else. Crockett, take it.
I don't want it. No six-year-olds.
Aw, come on, Trip.
My man. Good luck.
Put the comic book away
and get your shirt.
Take the shirt by the shoulders.
One fold sleevie...
two fold sleevie.
- Presto! It's done.
- How's this, Mike?
That's not bad. Why don't we have
a nap and come back later and try it.
- No. Forget it.
- Come on.
Do I have to count to three?
One, two...
Two's good enough.
Come on, Steve.
What's that?
It's Ernie, my pet frog.
He's a jumper.
- How come he doesn't hop?
- He's tired, I guess.
- No, he's dead.
- No, he's sleeping.
For sure he's dead.
Mister, could you help me
wake up my frog?
He looks tired.
Why don't we let him sleep
a little longer.
You take that nap now...
and I'll take care of the frog.
This is the 14-year-old girls' cabin.
They've got the drive and the equipment,
but they don't have the experience.
They better not get it from you guys.
Not this summer, anyway.
Just the person I wanted to see.
Later, Tripper. Say, Christmas?
A.L., that's your cabin.
You got the jailbait. Watch 'em.
- Women.
- Thanks.
- See you later.
- I want you to know I'm deeply hurt.
I mean that sincerely.