That was nice, Tripper.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
I think I am lying
on some sort of animal...
like a porcupine.
Just a broken beer bottle.
I was wondering
what you were yelling about.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going swimming.
- The water's great. Come on in.
- No.
You're not supposed to swim for half
an hour after close physical contact.
- You get bad cramps.
- Come on, chicken. It's not so cold.
No. I know you're lying.
Come on.
All right.
- It's not so bad, is it?
- Worse than I ever imagined.
Come here.
It's a real cold spot.
I've heard of the buddy system,
but this is ridiculous.
You really talk too much.
I was just wondering if these
were shark-infested waters.
Shut up.
- There is a shark down there.
- My God, there is.
We'd better go back to my sleeping bag
before something goes wrong.
What happened?
Where were you?
I was with Jackie
in the woods.
In the woods?
Right where you want her.
Spaz, you old make-out master.
- How far did you get?
- We went down to Lookout Point, then...
No. How did you make out?
Well, we just kind of talked.
You had her in the woods
and you just talked?