- I wanna do well.
- You wanna do well?
- Bet every dime you got on Camp Mohawk.
- I don't wanna mess up again.
Let's see what you're entered in.
The potato race?
Damn it. Don't they know
you're just a kid?
Two years ago, a boy fell on a potato
and mashed himself.
Let's see what else you're in.
Egg toss? Oh, no.
Probably the most punishing
of all food-related sports.
I'm good at that one.
Sure. You got the build for it.
Ah, don't worry.
You won't screw up tomorrow.
No worse than
anybody else, anyway.
Are you gonna go and see Roxanne
after Morty's rally?
Could be.
After the way she treated me
on the overnight...
I'm afraid to be alone with her,
and I think you know what I mean.
I think you like her.
Really. Admit it.
You really do like her, don't you?
Yes, you do!
Come on, admit it.
You like her.
Ah, you like her.
You won't admit it.
Go! Go!
You pig!
Hi. I'm Morty Melnick.
Hi, Mickey!
And we at Camp North Star would like
to welcome our Camp Mohawk competitors...
Camp North Star sucks!