Nothing convinces me either.
Science proves one thing,
religion another
and both seem equally true.
So what?
I've read every sort of book,
new, old.
I've seen marvels
which I can't explain
and I am more thirsty
than ever.
What are you looking for?
I want to know
why I am here.
Why I am here?
Can any of us know that?
There is a group of us
all shattered by that question.
Nothing will stop us
until we find an answer.
This is Yelov.
He's an Aissor.
You know what that means?
"Boil 7 Russians,
you get a Jew,
"boil 7 Jews,
you get an Armenian,
"boil 7 Armenians,
you get an Aissor."
But what do you know of Aissors?
An Aissor can make good business
out of anything.
We're trying to understand
the power of vibrations.
We are working in the dark.