May I come in?
So this is where Professor
Tikhomirov's daughter lives?
- How are you?
- I'm fine, thank you.
- May I sit down?
- Please do.
I had a long serious conversation
with Rudy.
He never really loved you.
He was only infatuated.
He was very disappointed
by your schemes
with professorial apartments.
I came to ask you
to stop calling us.
We've had enough of your
I never called you.
You must have asked one of your
friends to phone for you.
I never asked my friends to, either.
All right, I've been calling you up!
And I'm also going to write
to your son's boss.
He should me made to do his duty!
Oh, you must be the specialist
in psychiatry
who earns her living working
in a bakery?
- Yes, I do. So what?
- Then stay in your bakery.
And in your dormitory.
I had lived in a communal
apartment, too.
- Times have changed.
- Some things never change.
There are already four of us
in two rooms,
and now you want to move in,
you and your child.
I never wanted that!