99 percent are intellectuals.
They suffer more than the others.
But you should see the ladies.
Gorgeous human beings!
Well-bred, intelligent
and pretty too!
You wonder what do men want.
It's a mystery.
Of course, that's not a problem
for you there, at the City Hall.
Why do you say that?
I'm single, too.
Come on.
Well, if even at the City Hall...
Look, I might be able
to help you.
There's a man I set aside.
He's a chief executive.
And only fifty-three.
Thank you very much.
I can cope myself.
Your rear suspension is squeaking.
And I thought
I was just imagining it.
You ought to get it fixed soon
before it gets worse.
All right, I will.
Where are we going?
We're going to my place.
No, I'm not going to your place!
Don't get nervous. My wife and
daughter are still on vacation.
No, we shouldn't do that!
I want you to see how I live.