I owe you money. I'll send it
when I get my first paycheck.
Are there a lot of people under you?
Nearly three thousand.
Organizing all that must be
very hard work.
It's hard getting the first three
workers organized, then it's easy.
- Is something wrong, mother?
- I'm all right, go on talking.
I'm always holding you up to the
children as an example.
You've achieved everything
you wanted to.
Only don't tell them that once
you've gotten everything you wanted
you feel like howling.
- You ought to get married.
- It's not a question of marriage.
It is. Though it's not easy
in your line of work.
Men are afraid of women
who earn more than they do.
Where are the men nowadays?
They're getting fat and lazy.
You go to the theatre or museum and
what do you see? Only women.
The men are watching television
or drinking with their friends.
Once they reach forty, they vegetate.
They don't even polish their shoes,
it's disgusting!
I hate men who wear dirty shoes.
It's crude.
You ought to be prosecuted for
exploiting a skilled worker.
It was your idea to put some away
for the winter, so don't complain.
Do you know that Ghena brought
a girl friend along?
I'd better go before his father
says something stupid.
- Gourin came over.
- He's been drinking again?
No, he's fine. He's like that every
time he comes out of the hospital.
That explains why he hasn't come
around begging for a while.
He was such a nice guy!
It's because he was so nice
that he became like that.
Everybody wanted to drink with him,
and he couldn't refuse
because he was too nice.