I know, I'm not proud of my shoes
Well, I don't care about your shoes.
But they upset you, don't they?
I can tell it from your face.
- Is face reading your hobby?
- Sure.
I can tell that you're not married.
Because you don't see a wedding ring
on my finger?
Even if you were wearing three
wedding rings on each hand,
you still have that unmarried look
about you.
You mean single women have
a special look about them?
Their look is kind of searching.
The same look police usually have,
an executive has it,
and a single woman has it too.
- I'm in the police then.
- No.
- An executive?
- No...
You work in a factory, but as what?
Specialist, right?
Though I see you also in a position
of leadership.
Maybe the factory union leader.
Is that what you do?
Yeah, you're almost right.
I'm a specialist myself.
A tool and die maker.
I'm single in case you're interested.
- Then you're not so perfect.
- I've just had bad luck in marriage.
I see, you had a bitchy wife.
No, she was sweet. She even found
herself a second husband.
So that was your fault?
Actually I'm a very nice guy.
And how about..?