Moskva slezam ne verit

by the majority of my fellow workers
at our scientific institute.

To your hands, my dear friend!
- Happy birthday, Gosha!
- To your hands of gold!

Well, did you like my toast?
Have you got a Ph.D.?
Isn't it obvious?
- What is the world up to?
- It's winter again.

- Winter, you think?
- Yes, it's winter, I reckon.

Your cozy, drowsy homes
me beckon

To come and forever in there

- Then what's to happen?
- Then January comes.

- January, you believe?
- Yes, I believe so.

I have been reading that white book
since I began to grow,

This time-old primer
with pictures of snow-covered stumps.

- What'll be the outcome?
- April will dawn.

- April, you sure?
- Yes, I am sure.

I definitely heard,
and it wasn't some allure,

the sound of a reed-pipe
on the neighborhood lawn.

What's the conclusion?
That we go on living
And make summer dresses
from gauzy cotton.

You think there'll be chance
for us to put them on?

Just make them,
that's what I believe in!

We should be prepared,
for however strong may be the blizzards

Their bondage is bound
to come to an end...

I feel bad about your birthday.
We owe you a present.

You've got a lot of time
before December comes along.
