I forgot to introduce myself.
My name is Rodion Rachkov.
It's a name you hardly hear
in Russia these days.
Yes, when I was young,
foreign names were more common.
Edward, Robert, Rudolph...
The French delegation just called.
They'll be here in half an hour.
Thank you.
Have I changed all that much?
No. It's just I'm surprised...
So many years have passed...
I never thought you'd become
a director.
I've only been a director
for three months.
Shall we begin?
I'm really very busy.
All right, sure.
We're ready to go here.
Go ahead, please.
Good afternoon, ladies and
The men in the audience are free
to do whatever they want to.
Our products are primarily
of interest to women.
When I think of what
I might've missed,
if I had decided to sleep over
at Tonia's that night.
Or if I had taken another train.