I was thinking the same thing.
How come you never did get
I was waiting for you.
But there was a man in your life?
But now it seems like it happened
to someone else.
Are there any snapshots of you
as a kid?
Yeah, a couple.
You must've been funny looking.
- You must show them to me later.
- Okay.
- I warn you, I snore.
- So what?
I'll whisper in your ear ''shsh''
and you'll be quiet.
There's another thing.
I can't stop tossing and turning.
I'll take you in my arms
to make you stop.
Good idea, let's try.
Oh, my God! I didn't see
what time it was!
Alexandra'll be home any minute!
So early?
Put the sheets in the closet!
The pillows, too.
- There're glasses in there.
- Put them in the bottom drawer.
Who was the idiot
who invented this contraption?