Moskva slezam ne verit

You dare lay a hand on him again
or even touch him...

- Tough girl!
- You bet!

- Are we gonna tell mother?
- No need to.

Why not? I want her to know
what you've done.

You acted like a real man.
Any man would do it.
Making a decision and fight for it
is a man's duty.

You wouldn't be proud of a woman
just because she can cook a meal?

I don't know how to cook a meal.
That's all right, I'll teach you.
Why didn't you continue
your education?

- What for?
- To become an executive.

Should everyone
be an executive?

No, not at all,
but everyone wants to.

Ever hear of the Roman emperor

At the very height of his empire,
he just gave away the crown and
settled down somewhere in the country.

And when he was asked to take over
again, he said:

''Once you've seen the cabbages
that I've grown,

you'll stop asking me.''
- He never went back?
- No.

You see, not everybody wants
to be some kind of leader.

Although it seems to be the only
case in the history of the world.

So you'd rather grow cabbages?
I prefer doing the things
I like doing.

I don't care a damn about prestige
or stupid fashion.

I love the kind of work I do
