Norma Rae

- What are you gettin' fixed up for?
- I'm goin' into town.

What do you need in town?
- OK. I'll drive you in.
- You got Bonanza on next.

Oh, no, I'm gonna miss that.
It's the same thing every week anyhow.

I'm goin' to JC Penney's,
buy myself some panties

and a white cotton brassiere, size 32B.
You wanna come and sit outside the dressin'
room and have the ladies look at you?

No, ma'am, I don't care to do that.
You comin' straight back?

No. After that I'm goin' to the drugstore,
buy myself some Kotex pads
and a Cosmopolitan magazine.

Mm-hm. Then you comin' home?
Yeah. After that, I'll be so tired out
from all the excitement I'll be comin' home.

Mr Wichard?
That's right. Vernon Wichard. Who are you?
- My name is Reuben Warshawsky.
- Warshawsky? What kinda name is that?

The kind you have to spell for
telephone operators and head waiters.

- What do you want?
- I'd like to get me a room with a mill family.

What for? We got a hotel with 12 rooms.
We got a motel with 36 rooms.

I wanna get to know
some mill hands close up.

Uh-huh. Why is that?
I'll tell ya, Mr Wichard. I just got into town
about, uh, an hour ago. Hi. How are you?

I got out of my rented car and,
before I had a chance to adjust my crotch,

the chief of police was on me saying
"Who are you? What are you doin' here?"

So I told him I was a labour organiser, come
to put a uniĆ³n in the OP Henley textile mill,

and he said "The hell you are." He gave me
a ticket and told me to get elsewhere.
