He was dead right to.
Far as I'm concerned, all of you people
are communists, or agitators,
or crooks, or Jews,
or all four rolled together.
Every time you people come into a town,
the folks get throwed outta their jobs.
Do you mind if I ask you a question?
How much do you make an hour?
I make a dollar and 33 cents a frame.
- When did you have a cost-of-living raise?
- I haven't had that.
With all due respect, Mr Wichard, with today's
inflation, that makes you a bit of a schlemiel.
You callin' me some kind of a name?
You're underpaid. You're overworked.
They're shaftin' you right up to
your tonsils. You need me, sir.
I think maybe if you run real fast you'll get
back to your car before my dog bites you.
Why are ya tellin' him that?
We ain't even got a dog.
You don't need one.
Hey, how ya doin'?
Do you have any vacancies?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
Very friendly little town you got here.
So far I've been told to shove off,
get off, and go away.
Oh, it's OK.
Make sure they spray your room for roaches.
You got roaches down here?
I'm very familiar with roaches.
Do you have a room with a view?
You got the back alley
or the parking lot. Which?
Back alley or parking lot?
Give him 31, Alston.
Can't hear the drunks from in there.