and you was aimin' to
blow your wife's head off?
I was gonna burn 'em both down.
Her and her boyfriend.
But I couldn't.
She was a real good person
when we went to school together an' all.
Real nice person, but then, uh...
The change that come over her...
still really amazes me.
I'm a lot different from what I was.
I mean, you go through things...
Hey! Whoo! New York!
Hey, man! New York! Hey, buddy!
Hi! Hey, come on over here!
- Hey, do we need anybody else?
- The more the merrier. Reuben!
Golly! Here you are with
your papers and everything.
- Come on over!
- Come on, Reuben! Jeez!
How are you? Reuben, I want you to meet
Sonny. This is Reuben Warwashawsky.
- How about it?
- Sonny, how are you?
- All right. Why don't you sit down?
- Come on. Sit down. Take a load off.
- What are you doin' here?
- I'm workin'.
- You're workin'?
- Yes.
- This is a bar.
- Drunk or sober, I want 'em.
- Well, can I pour you out one?
- No, no, no. I'll just have some plain Seltzer.
- You're just drinkin' club soda, is that it?
- That's it.
Well, you're gonna feel a whole lot better
than I will tomorrow morning.
- Reuben is a unión man.
- Mm-hm.
He's gonna put a unión in the mill.
- But there ain't never been one.
- Then maybe its time has come.
Well, there better be more than one of you!
Cos there's more than one of them!
- There will be.
- Big companies get everything they want.
- Everything goes to the rich man.
- You gettin' tired of it?
Oh, when I do, I just
wash it down with beer, see?
You know what?