You know this song on the... jukebox?
This was the song... It was
on the radio the night they called me
and they told me my husband
had been killed in a fight in a beer joint.
Yeah, I knew Buddy Wilson. In high school.
- You did?
- Yeah. We had wood shop together.
Yeah, God.
He was drunk, and he got in a fight
and he broke a beer bottle.
And then this other guy,
he had a broken beer bottle too.
I remember I went down
to the funeral parlour.
Cos I wanted to see him, you know?
And this old guy, he comes out and says...
that he didn't think it'd be a good idea if
I'd see Buddy cos he wasn't prepared yet.
I don't know, I just...
I really just wanted to see him.
And my daddy wouldn't let me.
Well... that were the end of Buddy.
Far as that goes.
- I'm gonna drive.
- I'll drive.
- What do you mean? You're drunk.
- So are you.
I think I'll drive. No, no, no, gang. Here we go.
This way.
I went out with one man
and I'm comin' home with two!
Now, that sure as heck is gonna
surprise the hell outta my daddy.
- He keeps a close watch on you, doesn't he?
- Yeah. We're close.
I remember he used to drive 250 miles
to take me down to Crescent Beach.