Roscoe says I shouldn't go,
but I think I'm gonna.
I'm not askin' anybody. I'm goin'.
On October 8th, 1970,
my grandfather,
Isaac Abraham Warshawsky, aged 87,
died in his sleep in New York City.
On the following Friday morning
his funeral was held.
My mother and father attended.
My two uncles from Brooklyn attended,
and my Aunt Minnie came up from Florida.
Also present were 862 members of
the Amalgamated Clothing Workers
and the Cloth Hat and Cap Makers
Unión of America,
also members of his family.
In death, as in life, they stood at his side.
They had fought battles with him,
bound the wounds with him,
had earned bread together,
and had broken it together.
When they spoke, they spoke in one voice,
and they were heard.
And they were black and white.
They were Irish and Polish.
And they were Catholic, and they were Jews.
And they were one.
That's what a unión is.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the textile industry in which you are
spending your lives and your substance,
and in which your children and their children
will spend their lives and their substance,
is the only industry in the whole of the United
States of America that is not unionised.