Eye! Eye level! Eye.
You ain't supposed to read the damn thing.
No unión organiser,
not even a known unión member
has been inside the fences and walls of this
factory for more than ten years. I'm readin' it.
- Well, read fast, then.
- While I'm readin' this,
you read the court order that says any agent
of this company can be held in contempt.
You're messing with a contempt citation.
If you're hot for jail, keep it up.
- I ain't violatin' no laws.
- You're violatin' the law now, baby.
- Can we finish this?
- Certainly.
- Where's the other board?
- In the weavin' room.
- You wanna show it to me?
- Hell, yeah!
Good mornin'! How are ya? Mornin'!
Good mornin'! Mornin'!
Good mornin' to ya. I'm Warshawsky,
Textile Workers Unión of America.
Good morning! Mornin' to ya.
Good mornin', ma'am.
Good morning. Warshawsky,
Textile Workers Unión of America.
Good morning. Good morning to you, ma'am.
Good morning! I'm in room 31, the Golden
Cherry Motel, if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Good morning!
Good mornin' to ya!
Good morning.
Gentlemen, your average
working man is not stupid.