You're comin' mighty close to blasphemy.
I've come here and said I sinned and I'm
sorry, and I asked for God to forgive me.
I wanna see what this church stands for.
I wanna see if you'll stand up and say
there oughta be justice, a unión,
and if you're smitten,
rise and the Lord'll be on your side.
And if you don't, then I say there ain't
nothin' good for me in that church,
and I'm gonna leave it flat.
We're gonna miss your voice
in the choir, Norma.
You're gonna hear it
raised up someplace else.
Y'all go in and sit down.
I'll be in there in a minute.
We're holdin' a meetin' at our house,
Jimmy Jerome. Unión business.
Afterward we're havin' lemonade
and cookies - ginger snaps.
I'll roll up the front shade so you can see in.
Washed my windows on Saturday.
You shouldn't have any trouble.
You're goin' too far now, Norma.
This is our home.
- How am I goin' too far?
- There's a bunch of black men in there!
- You'll get us in trouble.
- I never had any trouble with black men.
The only trouble I ever had
in my life was with white men.
I remember some of you
from the Chockoyotte church.
I did all of the talking that day.
Now I would like for you to speak.