If that doesn't get you,
he says the towering crags wiII.
And in the Borgo pass. . .
. . .the light suddenly divides and. . .
. . .the land begins to rise
towards the heavens. . .
. . .and then it drops. No one has ever
returned from that place.
The gypsies say that
no such castle exists there. . .
. . .except maybe in the imagination
of man.
There used to be a castle there. But
now it is a ghost castle. lt's only a ruin.
And whoever enters into that land of
phantoms is lost. . .
. . .and never returns.
Of vampires and bloodsuckers.
Of corpses which devour their own flesh.
Of incubuses and succubuses.
Of the living dead who follow strangers
in the night. . .
. . .and attack them.
Hmm. . .