Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht

l'm writing because l believe
there is a curse on my ship.

One by one, four sailors and the
second mate have taken ill and died.

Another sailor and our cook have
disappeared without a trace.

A rumor of a mysterious stranger
on board scares everyone to death.

We searched the boat and we found
nothing, except rats.

We are maintaining our course.
Northwest at 30 degrees.
The wind is steady. 1 2 knots.

Mr. Renfield. . .
. . .you sent my husband
to Transylvania. . .

. . . and l haven't heard
from him in weeks.

l'm very concerned. . .
. . .l want to go there and look for him.
Don't go yet.
My master is coming.

Who did you say is coming?
