Over the Edge

...which occurred yesterday
when some students...

...who might possibly even go
to this school...

...caused a major traffic
accident on the freeway.

Because of this, the school board
has decided on the following steps...

...to stop this kind of thing
from going any further.

Smoking on or near school grounds
will result in immediate suspension.

Mr. White, you're late.
Why are you late, Richard?
I had to take a piss.
- I mean, I had to urinate.
- Sit down.

Now, there will be a 9:30
curfew starting tonight...

...and it will be strictly enforced
by the police department.

I hope that's clear.
We have a film that we would like you
to see, and then Mr. Cole...

...who is president of
the homeowner's association...

...has a few announcements.
Vandalism is one of our country's
biggest problems today.

Estimates for destruction
to school facilities alone...

... is over $ 100 million per year.
And counting all acts of vandalism
to public and private property...

... some experts push the figure
to over $ 1 billion every year.

A "vandal" is defined
as one who willfully...

... wantonly, and ignorantly damages...
... and destroys valuable
or beautiful things.

Oh, no. So destructive. Look.
Maybe you're mad at the school,
but busting something doesn't help.

I just think it's childish.
I don't know. Sometimes I think
they're really like a herd of baboons.
