It's all right. It's okay.
- What time will they be here?
- We meet at the Four Winds at 1:30.
About noon, then, here for drinks?
Yeah, 12:00 is fine. Jerry's stopping by
tonight to check over the plans...
...so make some hors d'oeuvres and crap.
We've gotta give these guys a feeling
for what it's like to live here.
Dad, are the guys from Texas coming
to buy the land across from the rec?
- They're coming to look at it.
- What for?
It's an industrial park. They'll lease out
parts of the land to various companies.
I thought they were building
a drive-in and a bowling alley.
Carl, things didn't turn out
the way we thought, okay?
And the city's gotta make money
on that property.
Besides, we need more of a reason for
people to move here than the bowling alley.
See you about 9, Carl?
Okay, Mom.
The park's for wimps.
And there's so much to do
around here, man.
At the park we can watch
Carl try to pick up Cory.
Will you lay off?
At least I have a chance with her.
She wouldn't even look at you.
That girl was so ripped today
it was ridiculous.
Don't talk to me
about being ripped.
- Hey, anybody getting off?
- Hey, Richie.
It's all right, man.
- Hey, Tip.
- Hey, Claude.
- How's it going?
- Pretty good. Just getting mellow.
- Got some hash.
- Excellent. How much?
- Twelve bucks a gram.
- That's pretty steep, don't you think?
It's good stuff.
All right. I'll take it.
I know where I can score
on some good acid too.
No, thanks.
No more acid for me.
So they asked my mother
to sign this thing...
...saying I was "incorridable" or whatever.
- Incorrigible.