Yeah, whatever.
She wouldn't do it.
You know, she won't sign that bunk shit.
You know, Cory could be here,
and you might not even know it.
- Shut up, man.
- Hey.
Just circulate around.
Just, you know...
Just circulate around.
You might find her.
- I did not, Jeff.
- Jenny, did you see Cory around?
- We each did about two ludes.
- They were rainbows.
Rainbows are ludes.
Get me some beer, man.
We need some beer, man.
We need beer.
- Carl, what's going on? You want a hit?
- No.
You couldn't find Cory?
She's a waste of time. She is.
Hey, boys. Just heard me about a party.
- Where?
- Over at old town.
- Come on.
- Come on, let's go.
- Come on, where you guys going?
- Party. Come on.
- Richie?
- Richie!
- Come on in!
- You got a light on you?
- Come on.
- Hey.
Hey, man, what's going on?
How's it going? All right.
Hey, Carl, my man.
- How'd you hear about my party?
- Word just got around.
Yeah, word just gets around.
I mean, is this a party or not?
- Go get yourself a beer.
- Hey, where are your parents, anyway?
Hey, what's going on, Carl?
Having a good time?