Over the Edge

I admit, we've got a little juvenile
trouble here, but you can't...

Let me tell you something, Mr. Cole.
You got more than juvenile trouble.

Seems to me you all were in such
a hopped-up hurry to leave the city...

...that you turned your kids into exactly
what you were trying to get away from.

Let's go.
- That was very well-put, Roy.
- I thought so.

Doberman didn't even write me up.
He just held me for a few hours
while my mom was freaking out.

He tried to scare me, you know.
He thinks he's a big deal.

Give him a gun, and you'd think
he owned the world.

Yeah, Deputy Dog makes me sick.
My mom, she was busy doing some
group thing, group therapy. She's weird.

You wanna play basketball?
No. Me, Cory, Richie and Abby,
we're going out to the fields. Wanna come?

Really? Cory, man, she's a waste of time.
Why don't you shut up, man.
I'm not trying to pick her up, okay?

Listen, I'll meet you, all right?
Yeah, there's so much else
to do around here.

Yeah, what can you do.
Take it easy, huh?

Yeah, I'll see you.
Well, that's the old ballgame.
First the kids put on that sideshow
in front of Sloan, and now this.

I told you we should've sent those punks
out of town for the week.

If I ever get my hands on
the little creeps that did this...

- I wanna know what the cops are doing.
- What happened?

They ruined your Cadillac,
that's what happened.

Sloan went to get in the car,
whole damn thing blew up right in his face.

How'd you like to live up here?
It would be all right, I guess.
Someday I'd like to live in
a real old city, though.

Yeah, I lived in Chicago for three years
before we came here.

I lived in New York. Cooperstown.
Baseball Hall of Fame's there.
There's a lot of country there too.

Me and my father used to go
backpacking all the time.
