'Ere, where'd you
get that shirt?
All right, Jim?
Anything you fancy?
There's nothing there.
You found a bird.
I know her. [Laughs]
'Ere, that's mine, ain't it?
Can I have that one? Ta.
'Scuse me.
[Girl squeals and laughs]
'Ere, Dan. Seen what's
goin' on in there?
Go in there. It's a laugh!
You'll love it!
[# THE R0NETTES: Be My Baby]
0h, let's have some!
Come on, Monkey,
don't mess about.
Not unless you
give me something.
You always have to ask,
don't you?
1, 2, 3 for you.
Where'd you get these, eh?
That'd be telling, wouldn't it?