[Music stops]
[Mutters of complaint]
Come on, then!
[# THE WH0: My Generation]
Let's go.
[All sing]
# People try to put us down
# Talkin' 'bout my generation
# Just because we get around
# Talkin' 'bout my generation
# The things they do
look awful cold
# Talkin' bout my generation
# Hope I die before I get old
# Talkin' 'bout my generation
# My generation
# My generation, baby
- # Why don't you all f...
- Fuck off!
# Talkin' 'bout my generation
# Don't try to dig
what we all say
# Talkin' 'bout my generation
# I'm not tryin' to cause
a big s... ensation
# Talkin' 'bout my generation
# Just talkin'
'bout my g-g-generation
# My generation
# My generation, baby #
And again!
[Glass breaks]
[Glass smashes]
[Starts engine]