Rocky II

Adrian? You better go home,
cos I'm gonna be busy healin'
here for a while, you know.

- I wanna be here.
- Maybe you better go home with Paulie

and get some sleep, you know?
- I love you.
- I love you.

See you later. See you, Mick.
Can you fix my nose?
I'm a little depressed about my nose.

We'll fix that all right.
It's the eye that concerns me.

The eye's great.
I ain't never really felt this good.
You guys shoulda seen us tonight.
We did good.
You had him in the 10th,
and in the 15th he was gone.

- You think so?
- Trust me. I was there.

- How's your face, Rock?
- I don't know. How's it look?

Well, I wouldn't want it.
Rocky, I got a little favour
I'd like to ask you.

You know your friend Gazzo,
he admires you a lot.

- Tell him to give me your old job.
- You mean collectin'?

- I'm good with numbers.
- Yeah.

OK. As soon as I get finished,
you know, healin' here,

I'll tell him to give you my old job, OK?
- I'd appreciate that.
- What are you doing here?

Visiting hours are over.
I have to ask you to leave.

- Now.
- OK. See you later, Paulie.

OK. Everybody's proud of you, Rock.
- I feel good tonight.
- Yeah, you look good.

Let's go.
- How are we feeling tonight?
- Oh, very handsome.
