Rocky II

- You got any deodorant?
- No.

Excuse me.
All right, we're ready.
Let's go, Arthur. In the cage, Rock.

- Just the way we rehearsed.
- Everyone get ready for picture now.

Girls, come on. Look alive, dear.
A little higher. Show the product. That's it.
Magic time! Look alive.
- Roll, please.
- Speed.

- Beast aftershave. Take one.
- Action!

- Go now?
- Action.

In the mornin' I splash it on
and it makes me... smeel mainly.

"Smeel mainly"? Cut!
Isn't that "smell manly"?
Can you read that, Rock?

- Yeah.
- Well, let's go again.

Excuse me. I know I said it wrong,
but it really don't smell manly.

Do you think this stuff smells like a man?
I'd say absolutely no.

- Are you finished?
- I'm sorry.

- OK. Rolling again.
- Speed.

- Beast aftershave. Take two.
- Action!

In the mornin' I splash it on
and it surrounds my face with class.

And Beast aftershave
will turn the women into beasts.

If you want to be the king of the beasts
and smell like a jungle rat...

Cat... rat... cat... They look alike.
In the afternoon when I put it on
to go out with the guys,

- and have a rendezvouse...
- Cut! We're cutting this set.

- We're going to the alternate set.
- I can get it.

- I'm sure you can. Get out of the cage.
- The word "rendezvous"...

Rendezvous over to the other set,
Rock, if you don't mind.

- Sure.
- We've only wasted four hours.

Arthur, let's reorganise.
We're going to the alternate set.

It sounded great inside,
before it come out like that.
