Rocky II

Who the hell is that?
- Avon lady.
- Is that Rocky?

Hey! I don't remember givin' you no key.
Come on up here.
Well, the prodigal son returns!

Don't look so bad, do ya? What's that?
A outer-space monster you brought?

That's Butkus, my large dog.
What's that in your ear?

What is it? Just a...
I hear stupid things better.

Well, now, did you come here
to show me that dog?

No. Mick, can I have my locker back?
- What's on your mind?
- Fightin'.

Fightin'? What? You wanna go blind?
- Nobody's goin' blind.
- You heard what I said?

Yeah, and the eye's great. No problem.
Now, listen, every pug thinks
he has one good one left.

Now forget it,
cos your fightin' career is over, kid.

- Is that right?
- I think that's right.

I spend my whole life gettin' a career.
I get one, and you tell me it's over.

What's the matter? You shook the hell out
of the champion of the whole wide world.

- You be happy with that.
- Maybe we can do better this time.

- Or worse. What about that?
- Hey, yo, Mick.

I done you a favour last time, you know.
Can you do me one this time?

I don't know. You don't understand me.
I wanna show you somethin' now.

Test you. Now, look, you look right there
at the end of my nose, will ya?
