Rocky II

Forget this bum.
Do you think I beat him the last time?
Do you?

- You got the decision.
- Man, I won, but I didn't beat him!

What are you afraid of, Tony?
- Honest?
- Yeah, honest.

He's all wrong for us, baby.
I saw you beat that man
like I never saw no man get beat before,

and the man kept coming after you.
We don't need that kind of man in our life.
I know what you're feelin'.
Let it go.
You're the champ.
Thank you. You're in charge of my public
relations. I want a new campaign started.

I want somethin' done publicly to bring
this man out, to jar this man's pride,

to get the people around him talkin'.
If we use this humiliation tactic,
you're setting yourself up as the bad guy.

Whatever gets him in the ring.
- What's happenin'?
- Hey.

- What?
- Where's your heart?

- What are you talkin' about?
- You heard me.

Well, what's this?
