I think we oughta knock his block off.
- Absolutely.
- Rocky...
I'm sorry.
Let's do it.
Apollo! Has a site
been chosen for the rematch?
It will be in the Philadelphia Spectrum,
cos I want this man's
home town to see this.
I want all of Philadelphia,
all of America, the whole world
to see me destroy this man
after two short rounds.
After this fight he's gonna have to donate
what's left of his body to science.
Rocky, what do you think about
the fight taking place in the Spectrum?
- Well, I'm very happy about that.
- Why?
Well, it's only about
ten minutes from my house.
Apollo, people say that you lost the first
fight, a victim of the southpaw jinx.
- Did fighting a left-hander throw you off?
- Southpaw jinx nothin'!
I took the fight too lightly
and this man was just plain lucky.
But this time you all will see
the real Apollo Creed.
The world's gonna see
the real Apollo Creed.
Lightnin' fast and hard to catch.
No playin', no jivin' - just business.
Rocky, do you think you have
a chance this time against Apollo?
I don't know. He looks pretty mad.
- Me and Mick, we're gonna try our best.
- His lungs he's gonna punch out.
- Now, who's that? Al Capone?
- I would sweat you.
Look here, a lot of people
may not like me, and that's OK.
But come November, Apollo Creed will
provide the ultimate gala spectacle,