
We know about you.
Who was it?

Fell, sir. Wasn't used
to the steps. Me own fault.

I want none
of your tricks here.

-- Understand?
-- Yes, sir.

Any more and you're in trouble.
-- Understand?
-- Yes, sir.

Move, you little guttersnipe!
You're on
Governor's report!

-- 4568, Jackson, sir.
-- Late, Jackson?

No, one surplus in the kitchen.
Then get over there
and get shovelling.

Oh, all over my hair!
Quiet, Jackson. Or do we want
Mr Teasy--Weasy with you?

I only washed it
last night, sir.

You little poof.
Keep shovelling.

-- Sir?
-- Can I go to the toilet?
-- No. Keep shovelling.

-- Sir, I'm bursting.
-- Keep shovelling.

-- Woods?!
-- Yes, sir?

What are you doing?
What, sir?
Oh, shovelling, sir.
Then shovel it
in the barrow. Savvy?

When we want it the other side
of the Channel we'll say, right?

Yes, sir.
Keep it moving, it's not
sand castles on Margate beach.

Come on, Archer. No slacking
from you, you cabbage.

Sometimes I somehow get
the strangest notion

they're trying
to break my spirit.

You're asking for it, mate.
Get some boots on your feet.
