
Fighting, Carlin.
Oh, yes. Yes.
Now then, Carlin,
you were transferred to me

because you assaulted
an officer.

Heaven knows what they
expect me to do with you.

However, I will have
no violence in this institution.

There is no violence here.
-- Do you understand me?
-- Yes, sir.

Yet no sooner are you settled
then the marks are visible.

I'm a generous man, but I will
not let trainees take liberties.

If you are here again
you will be in serious trouble.

-- Do you understand?
-- Yes, sir.

-- Have you anything to say?
-- Not really, sir.

Except I wasn't
fighting, I fell.

I understand the officer thought
I had by the state of my face.

I mean,
what else could he think?

-- C of E, are we?
-- Yes, it's a great comfort.

Good. It may even have some
guidance for your reform.

Three days solitary.
Loss of earnings for two weeks.

-- About turn! Out!
-- Move it, Carlin, move it!

-- Pick your feet up!
-- Move it, double! Double!

-- Meakin?
-- Sir?

