We're gonna have a proper
church do when I get out.
Hmm, let's hope you're released
before the child is born.
Yes, sir.
See you don't misplace
my trust, Betts.
-- Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
-- Right, out you go.
About turn, quick march.
Move it, Betts.
Registry office.
Archer? In.
Name and number.
4721, Archer, sir.
Ahh, Archer.
Still vegetarian, are we?
-- Yes, sir.
-- And still barefoot?
Yes, sir.
Well, we have every respect for
others' sincere beliefs here.
And at a little expense we have
procured plastic boots for you.
-- Do you appreciate that?
-- Yes, sir.
No objection to plastic?
-- No, sir.
-- Good.
I hope the co--operation
will be reciprocated. Indeed.
Have you read The Life
of St. Francis of Assisi?
No, sir. Though I'm sure
it's a most engrossing epistle.
It is.
The son of a wealthy man,
he converted to Christianity,
to commit himself
to the life of the Gospel.
You should read it.
I wanted to mention access
to literature to you, sir.
You see, I'm finding myself...
strongly drawn to Mecca, sir.
Very strongly indeed.
Mecca, Archer?!
Yes, sir. It's...something
stirring within me, sir.
I'm sure you understand
what I mean, sir?
Archer, you will see
the chaplain tomorrow.
I'm an atheist, sir. It's on my
record. Atheist and vegetarian.