
Yeah. Won't be
in this sweatbox much longer.

It's all right for coons,
but it's no good to me.

All this for nicking
30 bob of junk.

-- You're joking?
-- 30 bob of fucking scrap.

Me brother had some form
so they stuck it on me.

-- Jesus. One for the book.
-- What d'you do? A bank?

No, I was trying to further
a career as a timber merchant.

Clerk. My old lady was sick,
and there was all this stick
about giving her a bad time

and her wanting to see me
secure and respectable.

You know, all that shit.
I was in this office, but got
too ambitious, didn't I?

Wasn't satisfied with me
fingers in the petty cash.

Started on the cash sales.
40, 50 quid, most weeks.

Going to work in a cab.
Till some hard--faced mare
comes back and...

Here I am.
-- First offence?
-- You know my mouth.

Gave the judge a bit of lip,
she packs me off to borstal.

40 pence a quid, that's it.
I can't, Carlin,
they'll cut my throat.

That's the way
things are now, mate.

40p. That or nothing.
The whole bleedin' nick'll
be onto you. Right behind Baldy.

Fuck 'em. If Banks paid 50
I've gotta give less.

Psychology. If I wanna keep hold
I've gotta be harder than him,

or you'll have
someone paying 60.

40's way under. It won't be
worth the risk getting money in.

OK, 45. They get 45.
