-- Yes, sir.
-- Good.
Now then, you came here
with a bad reputation,
but I am prepared
to take you as I find you.
You'll have every chance to
prove yourself on this wing,
and even to win back
some of the time you've lost
through your more
unfortunate escapades.
As House Master I run this wing.
I want that firmly understood.
Nobody rocks my boat.
Do we understand each other?
Yes, sir.
-- Very well, then.
-- Just one thing, sir.
I would like a single cell.
I think we can arrange that,
Mr Greaves?
-- Yes, sir!
-- Anything else?
-- No, sir.
-- About turn! Move!
In you go, Woods.
All right, Carlin.
But don't push it.
If there's any bother,
we'll have your bleedin' guts.
I said, right?
Yes, sir.
On your way.
..three, she had, three puppies.
Mum doesn't think
she can afford them,
and if they can't wait
for me to get out...
I was wondering if you'd like
one, sir. It wouldn't cost.