Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Check Cleary on number six.
- Need your cooler status.
- Stand by.

Space matrix restoration coils.
Dilithium crystals.

L knew it. The transporter sensor
was not activated.

Air equalization.
Automatic off.

Faulty module.
Cleary, put a new backup sensor
into the unit.

Aye, sir.
Admiral Kirk! Well,
we're getting a top brass send-off.

Don't worry,
she'll launch on schedule...

if we have to tow her out
with our bare hands, right, Scotty?

Aye. That we will, sir.
- Let's talk.
- Sure.

Let me know
when that backup's ready.

All due respect, I hope this isn't
some kind of Starfleet pep talk.

- I'm really too busy.
- I'm taking over the center seat.

You're what?
I'm replacing you
as captain of the Enterprise.

You'll stay on
as executive officer.

Temporary grade reduction
to commander.

You personally
are assuming command?

- May I ask why?
- My experience.

Five years out there
dealing with unknowns like this.

My familiarity with
the Enterprise and its crew.

Admiral, this is an almost
totally new Enterprise.

You don't know her a tenth
as well as I do.

That's why you're staying aboard.
I'm sorry, Will.
No, Admiral,
I don't think you're sorry.

Not one damn bit.
