Star Trek: The Motion Picture

If this super intelligence...
is as important to him as
he says it is, how do we know...

That he wouldn't put his own
interests ahead of the ship's?

L could never believe that.
How do we know about any of us?
Bridge to Officers' Lounge.
Captain Kirk.

Revised estimate on
cloud visualcontact:3. 7minutes.

On my way.
Order new backup settings there.
Present status.
Give us apriority, Commander.
Bridge Communication to Flight Conn.
Check your subspace alignment.

Standard light, Engineer.
- Full mag on viewer.
- Full mag, sir.

Lingua code?
Continuing friendship messages
on all frequencies, sir.

All decks and divisions confirmed.
Status red.

Captain, we are being scanned.
Do not return scan, Mr. Spock.
It could be misinterpreted
as hostility.

Intruder scans emanating from
the exact center of the cloud.

Energy of a type...
never before encountered.
There's no response to
friendship messages, sir.

- Shall I go to battle stations?
- Negative.

We'll take
no provocative action.

Recommend defensive posture,
Captain. Screens and shields.

No, Mr. Decker, that could also
be misinterpreted as hostile.

Cloud composition, Mr. Spock?
- Twelfth-power energy field.
- Twelfth-power?

We've seen what their weapons can do.
Shouldn't we take every precaution?

- Mr. Decker...
- Captain.
